This board including 30 FPS image sensor and 7 series of FPGA, GIGA bit Ethernet, X-Ray Scintillators (Gadolinium oxysulfide (Gd2O2S)) and Fiber optic plate.

C++ Data acquisition


Image Sensor IMX174

Quick Info for the Sony IMX174LLJ Sensor
FPS (Sensors): 164.5 fps
Manufacturer: Sony
Pixel Size (Sensors): 5.86µm
Resolution (Sensors): 2.35M
Scan/Series: Pregius
Shutter (Sensors): Global
Signal (Sensors): Monochrome

X-ray Camera


X-ray imaging has a wide range of applications across various fields, including medicine, industry, and security. Here are some common uses of X-ray imaging:

Medical Imaging:

Radiography: X-ray imaging is commonly used in medicine to visualize the inside of the human body. It’s used for diagnosing and monitoring conditions such as fractures, infections, tumors, and lung diseases.

Computed Tomography (CT): CT scans provide detailed cross-sectional images of the body, allowing for the diagnosis and monitoring of a wide range of medical conditions.

Fluoroscopy: Real-time X-ray imaging is used during procedures such as angiography, endoscopy, and certain surgeries to guide medical interventions.

Mammography: X-rays are used for breast cancer screening and diagnosis.

Dentistry: Dental X-rays are used to examine teeth, jawbones, and surrounding tissues for diagnosing dental conditions and planning treatments.

Industrial Testing and Quality Control:

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): X-ray imaging is used to inspect materials and structures for defects in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing.

Welding Inspection: X-rays are used to ensure the quality of welds in construction and manufacturing.

Security Scanning: X-ray scanners are used in airports and other high-security areas to inspect baggage and identify potential threats.

Archaeology and Art Conservation: X-ray imaging is used to examine the interiors of historical artifacts, paintings, and sculptures without damaging them.

Research and Science: X-ray crystallography is a technique used to study the atomic and molecular structure of crystals, which is important in various scientific disciplines.

Material Analysis: X-ray diffraction (XRD) is used to analyze the structure of materials, particularly in chemistry and materials science.

Geology: X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is used to determine the elemental composition of rocks, minerals, and soils.

Environmental and Earth Sciences: X-ray imaging is used to study soil structure, sediment layers, and fossilized remains.

Food Inspection: X-ray inspection is used to detect contaminants and ensure the quality of packaged foods.

Electronics Manufacturing: X-ray inspection is used to examine the integrity of solder joints and other components on electronic circuit boards.

Forensics: X-ray imaging can be used to examine evidence in criminal investigations, such as identifying foreign objects in a body.

These are just a few examples of the many applications of X-ray imaging. Its ability to penetrate matter and provide detailed images makes it a valuable tool in various fields for inspection, diagnosis, and research purposes.

How to build a X-ray Camera?

Including 3 Basic structure:

  1. Selecting Scintillator

  2. Fiber optic plate (taper)

  3. Integration scintillator, taper and active area of image senor

  4. Data acquisition System

Selecting Scintillator:

Selecting a scintillator for X-ray imaging to achieve a specific frame rate, whether it’s 30 frames per second (fps) or 1 fps, involves several considerations. Scintillators are materials that convert X-ray radiation into visible light, which can be detected by imaging sensors like CCD or CMOS cameras. The choice of scintillator depends on your specific imaging requirements. Here are some factors to consider:

Temporal Resolution:

For 30 fps imaging, you need a scintillator with fast decay time and high light output to match the rapid frame rate. Gadolinium oxysulfide (GOS) or cesium iodide (CsI) scintillators are often used for such applications.

For 1 fps imaging, the temporal resolution requirements are lower, and you can use scintillators with longer decay times, such as some phosphor-based scintillators.

Spatial Resolution:

The scintillator’s spatial resolution should match your imaging system’s capabilities. Higher-resolution scintillators are preferred for fine detail imaging.

X-ray Energy:

Consider the energy range of the X-rays you’re using. Some scintillators are optimized for lower-energy X-rays, while others are better suited for higher-energy X-rays.


The scintillator’s brightness or light output is crucial for achieving good image quality, especially at higher frame rates. A brighter scintillator will produce more visible light, resulting in better image signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).


Scintillator efficiency determines how effectively it converts X-rays into visible light. Higher efficiency scintillators may require lower radiation doses to achieve the desired image quality.

Size and Thickness:

The size and thickness of the scintillator can affect the amount of detected light. Larger and thicker scintillators can capture more X-ray photons and produce brighter images.


Consider your budget constraints, as some scintillators may be more expensive than others.

Application Specifics:

Your specific application may have unique requirements. For medical imaging, for example, CsI(Tl) scintillators are commonly used due to their high brightness and good spatial resolution.

Detector Compatibility:

Ensure that the scintillator is compatible with your chosen X-ray detector and camera system.

For 30 fps imaging, you’ll generally need a scintillator optimized for speed and brightness, such as CsI or GOS. For 1 fps imaging, you have more flexibility, and you can consider scintillators with longer decay times if they meet your other requirements.


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